Dev Guy Case Study

Eye Candy Nails & Training

Elaine - Eye Candy Salon Owner“Hi - My name is Elaine, I am the salon owner of Eye Candy Nails & Training, based in Bramley, Rotherham. S66 2SE.”

When we opened up the salon in Bramley, Rotherham, about 4 years ago. I’d been working in nails for a lot of years and thought I had a large clientele.

By having a website developed by Dev Guy, with the Social Media Publishing service, it allowed our business to grow and grow. We now have 4 nail technicians working in the salon, with a very large clientele.

Yes a lot of this achievement is down to our hard work, offering beautiful nails and nail art. The quality of your work has to be there, but clients still need to be able to find us. This is where our website and Dev Guy came in.

Having a great looking website, that actually shows our work, and allows us to add photos of our nails as and when we like is a huge benefit, to our salon business.

“We now have over 7000 photos in our nail art gallery on our website. Clients look and search through these photos often, to see what nail art they would like on their next visit, to the salon. This allows us to keep our clients and also gives new clients the opportunity to search through our work, to find something they are after”

It has enabled our business to grow and we now have somewhere between 500 and a 1000 people a day visit our website alone, this is shown in Google Analytics. Yes not all of them will book in for their nails doing or book onto a training course, but it’s a great positive thing, for any business, to have a great online presence.

Eye Candy Nails Onlne storeWe have this year utilised this website traffic to add on an online store. To sell our salon based training courses and products that are easy to parcel up and ship out, which is now doing very well

On top of that, the Dev Guy Publishing across social networks, allows us to have, at the time of writing this approximately 31500 followers, and it increases daily, when we upload photos. All this from a website and publishing of our work.

It is not an instant thing, you have to put the work in and take and publish the photos, but the short to long term gain, is definitely there.

The answering of comments and messages on social networks and email enquiries, does take some time, but that means that people are finding you and wanting to use our salon, which is a great thing. My column is now booked up for nearly 3 months in advance.

I have now abandoned traditional paper advertising, in the local newspapers. For the amount of money it costs compared to the amount of new clients it got us, was very poor. The newspaper hangs around for a couple of days max, before going in the bin. Having a website and a social network presence that just grows and grows, is great, it is up online and is their 24x7 for anyone to see, unlike the newspaper. I do however still contribute to the local charity based publications and put adverts in there guides for Rotherham Hospice etc.

Some Times Extraordinary Things Happen!

Polka Dot Pin

Black polish with white polka dot nail art, that was Repinned 96K times on PinterestOne set of nails, has gone viral on Pinterest and at the time of writing this is now up-to 95,000 repins. If you aren’t familiar with Pinterest it has been shared by 95,000 people on Pinterest alone. A lot of our nail pictures do get shared a lot, but that one has gone viral, and is still going.

Eye Candy In The Guardian Newspaper

Back in July 2011 - Eye Candy appeared in fun article in the Guardian, about Dolly Parton moving to Rotherham. Without our great internet prescence we would never have appeared in the article.

Eye Candy appears in BBC TV Show Don't Forget The Bride

In October 2014, Eye Candy received a phone call from the BBC, asking us for our nail services on a bride and bridesmaid, for Don't forget the Bride TV Show. With a bit of schedule rejuggling we managed it. This will be shown in the New Year of 2015. We can't wait to see it! The bride and bridesmaid are now 2 clients. Again this is due to the eye candys great presence on the internet.

I have had phone calls and other opportunities from the other end of the country, all this from the website and from our social network presence.

Aces & Dolls

In 2018, I have now launched my own nail brand called Aces & Dolls. Dev Guy built me a fantastic online store.It's great, I can manage and view ordersmstock online and in Phone Apps. It's so easy to use.

Would You Recommend Dev Guy?

I would definately recommend Dev Guy, having a website and using the Social Media Publishing to anyone and I think the future is very very bright!

Kind Regards

Elaine Moore

Salon Owner - Eye Candy Nails & Training
Brand Owner - Aces & Dolls email:[email protected]

Eye Candy Nails Logo

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