EPOS Now Support Options

Please note that this support is with EPOS Now and not Dev Guy. Dev Guy is just collecting the payment as an EPOS Now Partner.

Dev Guy will have to notify EPOS Now your details and that you have paid.

Please note these costs do not include the Dev Guy EPOS Now Booking System App.

EPOS Now Standard Support- 12 Months

£25+VAT for 1st unit, £15+VAT for additional units.

Number of Units

Please note by clicking and paying for EPOS Now Standard Support, you are agreeing that 12 monthly payments, will be subscribed too.

If you cancel a payment, support will stop.

EPOS Now Premium Support - 12 Months

£35+VAT for 1st unit, £25+VAT for additional units.

Number of Units

Please note by clicking and paying for EPOS Now Premium Support, you are agreeing that 12 monthly payments, will be subscribed too.

If you cancel a payment, support will stop.

Basic Annual Licence is included in your 1st year of EPOS Now Unit purchase.

EPOS NOW UK Support Number: 0800 2 945 945

No Support - Just EPOS Now Unit Software Licence.

No EPOS Now Support required, just bill me for 12 months software licence.

£175+VAT per EPOS Now Unit.

Number of Units

Discuss Your Requirements or Require Further Information

If you would like to discuss your requirements or require any further information, then please don't hesitate to contact Dev Guy. Zoom, Team Viewer or Google Hangout sessions can be arranged to demo software.

Dev Guy Partners