Dev Guy can help assist with different web hosting providers, to enable which is going to be the best for for your business.
Before purchasing any web hosting, it is important to undestand your business requirements, for your website hosting before picking a web hosting provider.
Dev Guy does not offer any web hosting, but can offer help and advice to find what is right for your business needs.
Whoever is selected to be your hosting provider, it is important to monitor your website with 3rd party tools, to monitor your sites uptime and to alert you via email or SMS, if it goes down. Dev Guy can put this in place for you.
If https certificates are required, for secure user registration/logon or to take online store payments, all this can be configured by Dev Guy with your hosting provider.
Dev Guy Websites are required to be on Windows Server Hosting, with ASP.Net 4.5 and SQL Server database.
Dev Guy keeps in mind Data Security as you will have to comply with the UK Data Protection Act, so any web hosting as to be located within the European Economic Area (EEA) or if its in the USA, they need to comply with the US Department of Commerce Safe Harbor Scheme.
Dev Guy can configure a variety of different platforms for email. Some email platforms are free, others are paid for. It depends upon the size of your business and number of users etc. The most common web based ones are Googles gmail,for business users Google Apps, Microsofts or the paid for versions of Office365 to name a few of the big ones. Dev Guy prefers as it has lots of great features, but it is personal preference. All of them support IMAP so that you can download and send and receive emails from multiple devices, pc's, tablets and phones.
If you already have email in place and do not wish it to be disturbed with a new website, that can be accomplished too, by altering your domain records (DNS records), so as not touch your mail service.
Dev Guy uses Storm Internet, a UK award winning Internet Service Provider
If you would like to discuss your requirements or require any further information, then please don't hesitate to contact Dev Guy. Zoom, Team Viewer or Google Hangout sessions can be arranged to demo software.