A Grand Centrepiece Of A Bowl, In A Beautiful Tonal Stone, A Glossy Finish And What Can Only Be Described As  A Pom Pom Of Balls In The Same Pot That Dot The Rim Of This Really Unique Ceramic. Ideal For A Table Centre, Littered With Fruit Or For The Festive Season... Baubles! A Reasonable Price, Would Make A Lovely Gift For Mum!   Measures 38Cm Diameter X 14 Cm Height. #Bowl #Centrepiece on 12 December 2014 at 12:05

reckage at homereckage at home
A grand centrepiece of a bowl, in a beautiful tonal stone, a glossy finish and what can only be described as  a pom pom of balls in the same pot that dot the rim of this really unique ceramic. Ideal for a table centre, littered with fruit or for the festive season... Baubles! A reasonable price, would make a lovely gift for mum!   Measures 38cm diameter x 14 cm height. #bowl #centrepiece
Taken at:12/12/2014 12:05:00
Uploaded at:12/12/2014 12:05:00
Technician:External Web Site User
A grand centrepiece of a bowl, in a beautiful tonal stone, a glossy finish and what can only be described as  a pom pom of balls in the same pot that dot the rim of this really unique ceramic. Ideal for a table centre, littered with fruit or for the festive season... Baubles! A reasonable price, would make a lovely gift for mum!   Measures 38cm diameter x 14 cm height. #bowl #centrepiece
View Photo On reckage at home Website
Photo ID:638
Date Taken:12/12/2014 12:05:00
Date Uploaded:12/12/2014 12:05:00

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